Sunday 30 December 2007

Guitar Fabrication - Day 4

So far, Luis and I have completed four days of guitar construction together and progress is occuring rapidly. By Friday, much of the neck was roughed-out including the insertion of the tension rod. The inlay for the rossette on the soundboard was completed, as well as the majority of the ribbon around its perimeter. And the back wood (teka) was glued together, with two stips of pine, and a strip of wood from a native nut tree to form a line down the centre. My time with Luis is very enjoyable; we talk about guitars all day in spanish and sit inside his shop with the all beautiful smells of wood, listening to classical music. Luis has told me that it will take about two more weeks to finish my guitar. My feeling is that two more weeks will come too soon.

1 comment:

Todd Langille said...

Hi Phil
Looks like your time spent in Mill
Cove was well spent, good looking
guitar. How does it sound?