Sunday, 2 December 2007

With All My Senses

The day after our waterfall trek, I went for a hike with a few new freinds to a reserve on the other side of the Vilcabamba Valley, called the Rumi-Wilco Ecological Reserve. This organization has preserved this interesting and diverse area, and has also developed a trail system that contains great labels describing plant species and facts about the different ecosystems, as well as a handy map book. I was pretty excited, as you can imagine! The map book began with some great advise, "when enjoying nature talking is not needed as much, so please enjoy the area with all your senses in peace" (paraphrased only slightly). As we went up and down slopes and gullies, walked along ridges and riviers, I stopped to learn a little about this biologically rich area, watch birds and butterflies I have never seen before, and enjoy the views of the valley. The funniest part of the park was their claims to the biggest Kapok tree and the biggest San Padro Cactus (seen here) in the region - I wonder how they would ever know, I guess the same way Wawa knows they have the biggest goose?! When I returned to Izhcayluma, I caught up with Phil (who had been working hard on his journal), went for a swim, had another amazing meal, played a competitive game of darts with our new friend and barman, Cyril, and eventually headed off to bed with sore legs, a little too much sun, and a wide grin.

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