Friday 16 November 2007

Safe and Sound in Lima

We arrived safely in Lima early in the morning on November 15. We were picked up at the airport by a fellow working at the hostal whom we had contacted before leaving Canada. Everything worked out quite well. We awoke the next day in a very different place. We ate some breakfast (ham & cheese sandwiches & coca tea) and decided to make our way to Miraflores (which is a ritzy part of Lima). They have just recently built a brand new Canadian Embassy (due to be filled with diplomats in 4 weeks time) and we were lucky to get a tour around the building. It was quite impressive. We visited the active Canadian Embassy and notified them of our whereabouts. We spent some time wandering around a market (that reminded us of Pete´s Frootique) and we ate a late lunch. Afterwards we walked to the seaside. It was beautiful; there was a lot of outdoor activity from paragliding, tight rope walking, to futball, to people laying around on the grass, bicycling, people working out. We ate a nice grapfruit and banana. We walked back to San Miguel and went to sleep very early (8:30pm).

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